And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children.” Isaiah 54:13
The MSBC Children’s Ministry provides an environment for religious training for children 3-12 years of age. Our preschoolers are ages 3 to 6 years and elementary group ages 7 to 12.
Our ministry staff’s #1 priority is providing a learning experience that includes the study of biblical principles, prayer and the Gospels which will strengthen the development of your child in their Christian walk.
While the outbreak of COVID-19 has made it difficult to conduct in-person Children’s Ministry classes, the staff is working toward creating virtual lessons on Zoom that will allow your child to continue to engage in the teachings of the bible and still connect with each other. These virtual lessons will keep your child encouraged and engaged in learning God’s Word.
10250 Shaker Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44104

Sister Tennisha Chatman, Teacher

January…….New Beginnings
February…..Love/Black History Month
March………Spring into God’s Word
April………..Resurrection Sunday/Easter
May……..….Women of the Bible/Mother’s Day
June………Men of the Bible/ Father’s Day
July….……Freedom/ Summer
August…..Celebrating the Years
September..Years of Wisdom/
Grandparents Day
October………Fall/Hallelujah Day
Children Day
December……..Christmas/ Winter