Online Giving

Tithes & Offerings:
Tithing is about putting God first in your life. Tithing means giving 10 percent of what God blesses you with (your income). This automated process makes it easy for you to give to God in the privacy of your home, while working, on vacation or otherwise unable to attend services. We offer PayPal, Cash App, and Givelify as ways to give.  If you are interested in making contributions on-line, please feel free to utilize one of the SECURE ON-LINE donation platforms below.
To Give with PayPal
(Tithe, General Offering, Pledges, God’s Storehouse etc…)

To Give with Cash App


Click here to give with Cash App



SCAN TO PAY WITH CASH APP$morningstarcle

To Give with Givelify
Click here to give with Givelify



Click here to get the App

 To make a donation using CashApp, please log in
to the mobile giving app on your smartphone and send donation to:

Click here to get the App

To make a donation using Givelify, please log in
to the mobile giving app on your smartphone and search for:
Morning Star Baptist Church Cleveland, Ohio