In light of the changing developments regarding conditions surrounding the COVID-19 virus, we have made the decision to reopen our building and resume in person worship beginning Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 10am. This change comes after prayerful review of updated guidance from the CDC as well as the Governor of Ohio.
Effective June 6th, we will open our doors to in person worship, however, because not everyone has received the vaccination we feel that there are some risks when congregating in mixed crowds. Because of this concern, the following guidelines will continue to be enforced:
- Everyone entering the building will continue have their temperature taken before entering.
- Everyone who enters the building are asked to still continue safe distance practices when moving and seated for worship.
- Everyone entering the building will be required to wear a mask when moving around. Masks can be temporarily remove while seated in service but must be put back on when going to rest rooms, walking the isles, and when entering and exiting the building.
These requirements will be monitored against the reports of the percentages of those fully vaccinated and will be relaxed when warranted. In addition, we will continue our live streaming services via Facebook, YouTube & Zoom. Links to these services can be found below.
God Bless and we look forward to gathering and worshipping together.